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Metal Gear Solid V

                                     Metal gear solid 5 review

Metal gear solid 5 was released in 2015 and is the best stealth game made up to date.T his game franchise has come a long way and the snake as a character is just so great that it actually is the best part of the game. The way by which the character progress into the story with a different mission is very enjoyable and just is very fun too.

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The side character which is looked away by many creators is done justice in the story of the game.
The whole way that the Mother Base, recruitment, development, and supply drop systems work together is plain brilliant, while The Phantom Pain still has the best dog and horse buddies of any video game (sorry Dogmeat, but DD has you licked). Whether you’re trying to sneak your way into or blast your way out of a situation, there’s no end to the thrills.

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The gameplay is terrific and the 3 person shooter and the open world in which he travels is very beautiful. The different amount of weapons available to him and the buddy that you get is also very nice. The texture and the lighting is spot on and the way that the enemy interact with the snake is also very nice.


The other likable thing about Metal Gear Online is how well Snake’s abilities and equipment translate into an online setting. You have three classes, each of which can be leveled up with new abilities and new equipment. Scouts get sniper rifles and some handy, high-speed moves. Demolitionists work as a kind of tank, with heavier armor and weapons. The Infiltrator is the sneakiest class, with the all-important stealth camo suit.

The game is a masterpiece of structure, too. Formal missions are chosen from a selection of non-linear options from your helicopter command center, which then drops you off at a location you specify. Once you arrive, you’re free to toddle off to complete some supplementary freelance mission or to simply collect resources.

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Missions are designed in a way that you’ll nearly always have to deal with some of these goons, and they’re always just smart and organized enough to pose a threat. They’ll return to their patrols if you go to ground and keep quiet, but raise an alert or keep stirring up the Hornets and there’s predictably hell to pay. While the all-guns-blazing approach works in some situations, The Phantom Pain likes you to play things quieter, smarter and more patiently.

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You can opt to freely roam the game’s primary locations, but occasionally you’ll reach an area that triggers the start of another main mission. The structure is loose and accommodating but also filled with objectives – both essential and extracurricular – rewarding you according to how much you’re willing (or able) to put in.

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It’s surprising, though, how little Phantom Pain’s story woes actually impacted my experience with it. It takes an almost completely hands-off approach to both story and gameplay, which means that the lion’s share of the takeaway moments will almost certainly be the ones of your own orchestration. But given how readily Phantom Pain facilitates the creation of those moments, it’s difficult for me to feel bad about that. In a decade, I doubt there will be a single mission I’ll be able to point to and say “remember when you had to do that,” but I could fill a book with stories about how I dealt with a mission going south, or a brilliant plan I came up with that worked just like I thought it should. This is certainly the least “authored” Metal Gear, but it’s also the most player-driven, and I’d gladly take the helicopter escape story I shared earlier over any scripted event or set-piece.



The Phantom Pain is the kind of game I thought would never exist - one where every minute gameplay detail has true purpose. Its lack of story focus is sure to be divisive for the Metal Gear faithful, but the resulting emphasis on my story, my tales of Espionage Action, easily make it my favorite in the series. There have certainly been sandbox action games that have given me a bigger world to roam, or more little icons to chase on my minimap, but none have pushed me to plan, adapt, and improvise the way this one does. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain doesn’t just respect my intelligence as a player, it expects it of me, putting it in league that few others occupy.

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